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What is Centering Prayer?

"Far from being advanced, it is about the simplest form of prayer there is." 

Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, Cynthia Bourgeault

      Briefly, centering prayer is a meditation-based prayer in which you are seated comfortably and use a word or phrase to replace any thoughts that arise. The word you use stands for your intention to open yourself fully, in silence, to God's presence and action in your inner self. The suggested time length is 20 minutes daily, twice daily is best. Contemplative Outreach has more information about centering prayer on their website,

     I am a Commissioned Presenter of centering prayer through Contemplative Outreach, and currently host two Zoom groups: Mondays, 9:30-10:30am (EST), where we open with  singing a chant, have our 20-minute prayer together, and practice Lectio Divina (holy reading). Wednesdays, 6-6:30pm (EST) is for centering prayer only. You are welcome to join us! To receive a link, you can either fill out the contact form (button above), or email me at

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